Tuesday 21 February 2017

Evaluation 8

What targets will you set yourself for G324 next year - when you make a trailer?

For next year we will set ourselves some targets for when we start making our trailer. Our first target will be to plan out our media production in more detail. This means the process of making our media product would have more structure and we wouldn't have to go back and re-film parts that we missed out.

If we were to re-do our media opening scene we would record the dialogue separately so that the characters can be heard clearer through the dramatic music. Another thing we would do differently is the filming. We would cut less often so that when we starting editing the clips together the scenes would be smoother and the characters would jump less. Using one of our own cameras instead of the school's camera would also be something we would change. This change is necessary because the sound and visual quality of our media production would be better. This would make our trailer more immersive and the audience would be more interested in what the trailer is about.

In our next production we will aim to improve our film making by making our trailer more realistic and dramatic. We will do this by recording the dialogue and sound effects separately. The music choice for our trailer would also be very different so that we can create more tension in the audience. To improve our film making we need to improve our camera composition. We can do this by obeying the 180 rule and the rule of thirds. Our editing skills will also need to improve, we can do this by using a wider range of transitions and special effects. Mise-en-scene in our media production could also be improved. We would try to find a better location for us to film that more secluded from other people. The character costumes also need to be improved because in our opening scene the antagonist was dressed too casually. More mysteries clothes would need to be worn by the antagonist for him to look more like a villian.

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