Tuesday 21 February 2017

Evaluation 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Our production company is "KRC Productions" which is just all our initials. We used to font "Adobe Caslon Pro" because it was coloured blue and its bold so it will stand out from the black background. For the word "Productions" we put it in bold italics because we wanted to make the letters "KRC" stand out more. The letters "KRC" (Font size 217) are larger than the word "Productions" (Font size 68) because we wanted people to remember our production company easily. We didn't want to make our production company logo too complicated so we just put the name of our production company with the word "Productions" offset to one side below it. Our production company logo is very simple but at the same time it looks quite professional because of the font we used and the composition of the words.

What does a production company do?
A production company processes and makes the decisions that take place when making a film. They also help in budgeting, scripting and casting for the film. If something were to go wrong during the production of the film, then the production company would be responsible.

What is a distributor? Who might that be and why?

A distributor is responsible for advertising, merchandising and delivering the film to the market. Film distributors also produce the reels for the films and send them to as many cinemas as possible. A film distributor might be Warner Bros because they help fund the money to make films.

The money that would fund our production would be our film distributors "KRC Productions" and "Red Tree Productions". A company that funds independent budget films is Netflix. Neflix is a large online film distributor. They have been extremely successful because they have original content which you won't be able to watch anywhere else.

In our opening scene we had titles fade in naming directors, writers, actors and cameraman. We but them in this order of importance because the director would be the most important followed by the people who wrote the story to the film and then the actors and cameraman.

Our film is similar to the film "Taken" because it is an action thriller film. The protagonist in our film is also similar to the main protagonist in Taken because they are similar in appearance and their role in their film. Taken's Production companies are: Canal+, Europa-Corp, M6 and RatPac-Dune Entertainment.The production companies of Taken are not extremely popular and are quite unknown, this is another similarity between our film and Taken.

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