Tuesday 21 February 2017

Evaluation 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The Title of our Film
Our media film title subverts the conventions of real media products because the film title normally appears after the dramatic opening scene, where as we've put the movie title at the beginning and end.

Our Setting/Location for our film conforms the conventions of a typical action film because the area isn't very busy and it's secluded. The area that we picked was very open meaning we had a lot of space to work with when filming.

Costumes and Props
Our costumes conform the conventions of a thriller action movie because our main antagonist (On the right) is wearing clothes that hide his identity. The main protagonist (On the left) is wearing smart clothes which makes him look professional.

Camera Work and Editing
We have conformed the conventions of an action adventure film because we have used dramatic close up shots of the antagonist to create tension in the audience.

In this scene we have also conformed the conventions of an action thriller movie because we have used over the shoulder shots to capture a certain character's point of view.

This is our first production company "KRC Productions". We used a effect called (Name of effect) to make it look more professional. This is conventional because production companies are normally shown at the beginning of the opening scene.

This is our second production company "Red Tree Productions". We used a fade effect to make it look like our production logo faded from black and white to colour. This makes our production look more professional. This is conventional because it makes our film production more professional.

In this scene we used a fade to black to create a transition to another location. This made our production smoother which made the production more professional because there was less jump cuts.

Title font and Style
The font we used for our title was "Bell Gothic Std" and we used the font size 115.The font that we used made our title look bold and dramatic.

Story and how the opening sets it up
This is a long shot used at the beginning of our trailer to establish setting and introduce a key character. We wanted the audience to be able to see a profile of the character and notice the costume and body language.  In this shot our key character seems passive and not really bothered by what is going on around him.

Genre and how the opening suggests it
The genre of film for our film production is action thriller. Our film opening suggests this by including a chase scene to build tension in the audience and then a fight scene to end the opening scene. This conforms to the typical convention of an action thriller opening scene because action thriller films normally contain fast pace chase scenes and fight scenes.

How characters are introduced
The main protagonist is introduced walking down a path at the very beginning of the opening scene. The main antagonist is then introduced with a dramatic entrance. This conforms the conventions of a action thriller because the main antagonist usually makes a dramatic entrance which builds tension in the audience.

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