Tuesday 21 February 2017

Evaluation 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The image above is a compilation of all of the things we used to create our media production.

Editing Choices
We used Adobe Premiere Elements 10 to edit all of our footage together and make our final media opening scene. The tools we used to edit all of our footage together includes cutting, fading In/Out, transitions and special effects. 5 Seconds into our opening scene we used a transition to make one of our production companies fade from black and white into colour. The fade In/Out and cutting tool were used throughout our whole media production to make our scenes look smooth. The fade In/Out tool was used the most at the beginning when we were showing our production companies, from the time 00:00 to 00:15. The cutting tool was used a lot in the fight scene at the end of our production because it was fast paced, from the time 01:30 to 01:45. We used special effects to make our media production look professional, 1 second in to our opening scene. The special effect 1 second into the our opening scene was a harsh glow which made it seem like our production company logo flashed onto the screen.

The equipment we used to film our media production consists of a tripod and a camera that we borrowed from the school. We used the tripod keep our camera steady when we were filming certain camera shots. We didn't re-record any sounds to make them more audible, instead we sourced sound effects from a website.

Some of the programs we used were Adobe Premiere Elements 10, YouTube and Blogger. The editing program we used was adobe premiere elements 10, this helped us put together the clips we had filmed. Any videos that we created were posted to our YouTube channel. On our YouTube channel it featured all of our presentations and storyboards we put together. We frequently updated our Blog page on Blogger as we progressed in making our final opening scene.

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