Tuesday 1 November 2016

Media Project Preliminary Task

Media Studies Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task we were asked to film a short clip of someone walking into a room and crossing a room to sit down a exchange a few lines of dialogue with somebody sitting opposite them. For this task we were given a tripod and camera to film our Preliminary task. We filmed our shots by mounting the camera on the tripod and adjusting it to clearing show the people in the scene. One of the things we did well was the conversation between the two characters. We had obeyed the 180 degree rule and we cross cut between the two characters to show the conversation. However, we didn't consider the rule of thirds meaning that the characters were always in the centre of the shot. Another thing that we didn't do to well was the scene when I opened the door. When we were recording that scene we only recorded me opening the door half way. If we would have recorded me opening the door and walking through, then the scene would seem more natural after we edited it all together.

To edit the shots we just cut the parts of the clips with no movement. This helped the scenes look more natural and made it look like each scene wasn't suddenly jumping to the next. Our filming limited what we could do in our editing slightly. For example when I opened the door, we couldn't make it as natural as we could because I only opened the door half way.

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