Wednesday 16 November 2016

Classification Research

Classification Research
Universal (U)
Universal is an audience which is suitable for children 4 years and above. In Universal films there is no discrimination because it is not suitable for the young audience. However there may be drug references which have to be backed up with an anti-drug use message. There may also be violence but it must be animated, extremely unrealistic/over the top or it must be used for comedic purposes. Nudity and sex is not acceptable in a film that has been given a Universal certificate. The only thing that will be shown is kissing.
Parental Guidance (PG)
Parental guidance is used for general viewing, parents can decide whether their children are able to watch films rated PG. References to drugs must be subtle and must include an anti-drug message. Mild language can be used in these films but frequent use of mild language can lead to the film being passed as a higher certificate. PG films are able to contain a sequence where the character is in danger but it must not be too long or too intense. Violence can be contained in these films but it must be mild and not in detail.
Films that are rated 12A/12 are suitable for children 12 years old and older. The misuse of drugs in these films should not be glamorised. Moderate language may be used but strong language won't be accepted if it is used too frequently used throughout the film. Nudity and sex maybe be used but it must be discreet. Physical and psychological threats may be portrayed but they must be mild and infrequent. Violence can also be portrayed in films rated 12A/12 but injuries and blood must not be in great detail. 
For our film we want it to be a 15 so that we are aiming at the teenage audience. If we were to carry on and make a whole film these are the types of things that we would need to take into consideration. In a film with a 15 certificate there might be some discrimination, this might include racism and discrimination to homosexuals. There is usually strong language in these films but the frequency of strong language in the film prevents it from becoming a film with an 18 certificate. Nudity and sex in 15 rated films are sometimes portrayed but it is not shown in a lot of detail. Violence is usually portrayed in 15 rated films as well but sadistic violence is not accepted.
Films given a 18 film certificate can contain lots of strong language and violence which is portrayed in detail. Drug misuse doesn't have to be backed up with a anti-drug use message. Sex and nudity is normally not censored in films rated 18 and can be shown in detail.

Our film is an action thriller and because of the popularity with young people for this genre, we would be aiming for a 15 certificate for release if we were to approach the BBFC with our final production.
Below there is a profile for the film Transporter 3. This film is an action thriller film and below it shows that the age rating is 15 and 37% of the audience is from the ages 15-24. 72% of the audience was also male telling us that the male gender is the majority of the people going to an action thriller film. The class that is going to these films is mostly working class meaning that it is mostly young people meaning that the 15 certificate is ideal and more people will be interested to watch our film.

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