Monday 21 November 2016

Institution Research

Institution Research
An institution is a company that produces media products. Examples of some film institutes are: Paramount, Warner Brothers, Colombia etc. There is a short list for each film institute showing what films they have made.
Columbia - Pictures
The Bounty Hunter, The Karate Kid, Grown Ups, Salt and The Other Guys.
The Hunger Games, American Psycho, The Last Witch Hunter, Kick-Ass and SAW.
Miramax Films
The Boy In Striped Pajamas, City of Men, The Boys are Back, Everybody's Fine and Doubt.
Forest Gump, World War Z, Rango, The Godfather and Transformers.
Universal Studios
Despicable Me, ET, Jaws, The Mummy and Fast and Furious Franchise.
20th Century Fox 
Avatar, Deadpool, The Wolverine, Independence Day and The Martian.

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