Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Institution for our film

This is the Institution that will show at the beginning of the opening scene. We created this by making a black background using paint. To create the black background we went on paint and used the "fill with colour" tool to make the page black. We then put the black background into Adobe Premiere Elements 10 and used the text tool to create "KRC Productions". We then used the transition "Glow Harsh" to make our Institution stand out.

We have decided to add an extra institution to our media opening scene. We created this by taking an image of a red tree from google images and putting it into paint. We then added the words "Red Tree Productions" below the tree by using the text tool. We the used the square tool to create a red border around the logo. I then used the "fill with colour" tool to make the background black. In our opening scene this logo fades from Black and white into colour. We did this by adding two of the same logo into the beginning of our timeline. We used the "Black and white" effect on the first logo and then we used a fade transition to make it look like the logo fades from Black and white to Colour.

Representations in our film and stereotyping

To make our film more realistic we have included some stereotypes and representations to make our opening scene more realistic. We have also included stereotypes because fans recognize these stereotypes and it will appeal to them more.

White British Protagonist
Stereotypical Representations:
- Affluent
- Educated
- Socially Awkward
- Restrained
- Moral
- Rational
- Arrogant
- Repressed

In our film we have a White British male protagonist. This will appeal to the audience because it makes the main protagonist more appealing. If our main protagonist was to subvert some of these stereotypes (e.g Intelligent) then it would make our protagonist less appealing.

East Asian Antagonist
Stereotypical Representations:
- Intelligent
- Hard Working
- Determined
- Sinister
- Martial Arts
- Obsessed with electronics
- Quirky
- Physically Weak
- Ruthless
- Lacking Emotion
- Submissive women

In our film we have a East Asian male antagonist. This will appeal to our audience because stereotypically East Asian people know martial arts, are ruthless and lack emotion. We have displayed these stereotypes by having our East Asian antagonist start a fight with someone (our protagonist).

Mood Board

This is our Mood Board for the genre Thriller. These are some of the things that you might expect a thriller movie to have.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Opening 2 Minutes StoryBoard

Rough Story Board
  • In this scene Callum is walking down a path.
  • This scene is shown using a medium shot.
  • Tension building music will be played in the background.
  • Kevin Jumps down from a tree to confront Callum.
  • This is shown using a low angle medium shot.
  • Dramatic starts to play when Kevin lands on the ground.

  • Kevin advances towards Callum.
  • This is shown using an over the shoulder shot from Kevin's point of view.
  • Dramatic music continues to play in the background and Callum says "What are you doing?"

  • Callum pushes Kevin to the ground.
  • This is shown using a medium two shot.
  • Dramatic music continues to play in background.

  • Callum runs away.
  • This is shown using a panning medium shot.
  • Dramatic music continues to play.

  • Kevin chases after Callum.
  • The camera goes from a close up of Kevin's face to a medium shot of Kevin chasing after Callum, then it fades to black.
  • Dramatic music continues to play.

  • Callum Hides behind a tree.
  • The camera fades in from black and shows a medium shot of Callum.
  • Dramatic music continues to play.

  • When Kevin walks past Callum jumps out at Kevin.
  • This scene is shown using a two shot medium shot which pans across to follow Callum and Kevin.
  • Dramatic music continues to play.

  • Callum punches Kevin in the face.
  • This is shown using medium shot which only shows the top half of their bodies.
  • Dramatic music continues to play.

  • Callum stands over Kevin.
  • This is shown using a low angle shot from Kevin's point of view.
  • Dramatic music suddenly stops and Callum says "Who are you? Why are you here?"

  • Kevin stands up and takes off his hood.
  • This is shown using an over the shoulder shot from Callum's side.
  • Tension music starts to play again as Kevin takes off his hood.

  • Kevin suddenly punches Callum and knocks him out.
  • This is shown with a first person view from Callum.
  • A loud Bang plays when Kevin punches Callum.

  • As soon as Callum is punched the screen cuts to black.
  • The dramatic music from the previous scene carries on into the black screen.

Final Animated Story Board

This is our animated storyboard for the opening 2 minutes of our film. We used paint to create the individual scenes and then we used Adobe Premiere Elements 10 to edit them all together. We have also added music that we will be using in our final opening 2 minutes.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Diary Vlog


This is just a short video that we put together showing where we will set our opening scene of our film. We used this area because it is quiet and away from a lot of people. Although it was right next to some train tracks it wasn't a huge problem because we could just a scene in between the times the train went past. When we filmed the first scenes of out opening scene there were lots of leaves making it the perfect spot for filming but after a couple of weeks the leaves were cleared away meaning that continuity in our opening scene was broken.